Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Return Of The Comforter

Look for the soul,
You become soul.
Hunt for the bread,
You become bread.
Whatever you look for,
You are.
~ Rumi ~

The night is coming.
I can feel it come.
I lost Berry… I lost Ken.
Now I’m going to lose Ra.
Ra is going away… going to the great unknown.

Will I say my good-byes to another soul brother?
Go deeper, Peter.
Why? I asked.
I don’t want to go deeper.
You need to go deeper into the shadow.
I can’t see my way. I will trip over a stone.
If you say you will. You will.

Hold on to your old belief and you will fall.
I don’t want to fall. I don’t like falling. It’s scary.
It’s dark. The abyss is deep and dark. I get lost in the dark.
The unknown world… The unknown universe.
The light doesn’t shine. I cannot see my way.

Wait! There is a glimmer of light off in the distance.
I see a light ahead of me…

My soul wants to go deeper into the shadows of my essence.
Why? I asked, why do I want to see the shadow side…
The dark side?

Manasseh wants to go deep and discover for myself, the dark secret places in my soul. To bring into wholeness, the wounded parts of myself that they may be heal. To embrace the broken hearted side of myself. To follow my teacher into the great abyss of the crucible. To flow with love presences to prepare myself to participate in the great Transcendence which is about to place in human history.

Why do I want to go there? Why do I want to see the ugly side, the dark side, the unpleasant side of my being? Do I want to see my temper… my anger… my rage? Who plus my buttons? Why do I want be out of control?

The rage… the madness… the sadness… the grief… the lost… the abandonment… the loneliness… the blame… the guilt… the unworthiness… the ridicule… the humiliation… the smallness… the obligation… the fear.

I start to cried. Tears dripping down my face. Then, I heard a faint whispering, “I felt these same things as you.”
Yeshua? I asked.
Yes, Manasseh, it’s me. Blessed one, you need to stop for the night. You have done enough writing for one night. Go to sleep in peace, my beloved.
Thank you, Yeshua.

Love and Blessings.

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