Saturday, October 27, 2007

The Sacred Fire of Compassion

What price do you pay to be purified by love’s fire? The sacred element carried by Yeshua when he walked the earth… That treasure I was sent into a distant land to obtain.

Borne into a physical body that was imperfect by a disease known as Cerebral Palsy. In childhood I grew, to know the pain of the taunts, the teasing, the harmful ridicule. To know the feelings of rejection and loneliness was almost unbearable. I gain some acceptances in high school by struggling to keep up with the other children. Still, I was left out many circles, I seek a religion that would elevate my social status and self worth.

I found some nurturing love in the “Mormon” circle only by following their rules, and to exclude others that would not “keep the commandments.” The restriction of the guilt to associate with “other not of the faith” was built around fear, they had some kind of communal disease found with the filthy.

I felt the urges of my body as I entered manhood. There was that dirty, unworthy feeling as I played with my penis. For thirty years, the habit has plague my heart and mind. The terror of being discovered by church authorities who that would prevent my entry into the Temple where I had the only peace I found. My mind was in a struggle, a constant battle between the flesh and the spirit. I despise my body for what it did to ridge religious mind set, my dogma mind, my monkey mind. My mind was rack with guilt, for I am a sinner.

The deep dark secret of mine is finally uncovered. Oh, the relief to be exposed and the torture mind have at last found peace. Compassion is the soothing blanket that covers every infirmity, every affliction; every self-destructed thought your minds can congers up.

Compassion is the sacred element carried by Yeshua when he walked the earth.
Compassion is that treasure I was sent into this distant land to obtain. Compassion is the result of the sacred fire that’s purified the naked heart.

It’s time to celebrate! It’s party time.

Love and Blessings

1 comment:

maitreya said...

Welcome home Beloved One to the truth of self-exploration.



To a life free of self anialation.

Free of a concept concived in Ego's ability to create external dragon to slay.

Dragons Dragons every where, and all of them My teacher.

Today I choose the color of dragon I ride, and the color of it's skin.