Friday, March 28, 2008

Penetrating The Sacred

A guy like me with my condition can easily stay home and sit in front of the boo tube for the rest of his life. Not me. I refuse to sit at home waiting for someone to take me somewhere or waiting for something to happen. Forget it! I’ll do it myself.

Somewhere within the city of Portland exist a subculture of loving individuals who strive to enliven their sacred community. Artists, musicians, healers and people left over from the hippie generation come from miles around to make community for ninety minutes on a Sunday morning. This sacred community is invisible to the untrained mind driving down I – 5 looking for that which will jumpstart his/her soul into motion that will lead to the ocean of love.

I will get on the bus in the Tualatin/Bridgeport area to go to Portland to attend my workshops… Puja(s)… Kirtan(s)… Sacred Circle Dance or whatever my heart is call to go. Somehow, after the event is over, the Universe sees me safely home.

As more people awaken in their Self Realization, where love is only game in town, the demand for sacred events will increase. Portland is poise to become the next Sedona. New Thought Churches… Spiritual Communities will keep growing. The Sacred Circle Dance community will burst its seams.

Tonight, I will penetrate the sacred. Love and Blessings.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Love Be Not Afraid

Are you afraid to love me?
Are you afraid to touch me?
Are you afraid to caress me?
Are you afraid to hold me?
Are you afraid to know me?
Are you afraid to dance with me?
Are you afraid I cannot offer you love?
When you look at me, what do you see?

Or are you afraid of your own inability to show up? I show up all the time. Why can’t you show up for me?

I once dated a woman for one week whom I was very much in love with. She told me she loved me. She wanted to hang out with me for while and see how she can deal with the CP. She said she was mad at God for giving me a physical handicap.

I was in my ego and my insecurity sabotage the relationship. I drove her away from me in less than a week. The question is when others people break our hearts, do we do it to ourselves? I told Anakha last week as we drove in to McMinnville where another former girlfriend live, broke my heart. She did not break my heart. I did it to myself.

You might ask how did I break my own heart? When we are in our ego and our insecurities take over, we allow fear, not love, to rule our hearts. The flame of love is thus smother and no one can breathe. The relationship is deprive of oxygen and light. Love between two people, the relationship, is like unto a plant, needs oxygen and light in order to grow. The next relationship I entered into will be open and allow to breathe love and life.

There are already feelings stirrings in my heart for a woman. How do I know? She appears in my unconscious dreams night after night cradling each of her beloveds, healing them of their distorted pain. She has many beloveds that are intoxicated by her because of who she is: Genuine: Authentic: The full embodiment of love: The embodiment of the Christ consciousness.

And to think I almost threw it away one day. I thought I was not good enough for the Christic to fill my being with pure love. Love that’s heals the distorted pain. I made a passing comment to the oracle of love embody, “I’m not your type.” I lied. I am your type. I am everyones type. When will I stop sabotaging love?

I am ready for love to show up. No matter what form love shows up as, I will not sabotage it. I will not be afraid of it.

Love and Blessings.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Five Layers Of Love

How close can I get to God? Wait… I am God!

Growing up with a boyhood friend/neighbor whom was raise Catholic was my first exposure to religion. Lets call this layer number one. Larry told me the Nuns hit your hands with a stick when you’re not good. Ouch!

Layer number two came in Junior High School known as Young Life… Born-Again Christianity. I guess it was cool to be a part of prayer meetings and Bible study on the school campus. But, was I fulfilled?

I dove head long into a thirty year Mormon journey with layer number three. Would I find myself? Would I find what I truly long for?

The surprising shift to layer number four must be New Thought. I thought I was going to be a Mormon forever. Some time ago I blog I wanted a new drug. That new drug has been inside of me since the day I was born. Why live in fear when you can live in love?

Layer number five? What do you call it, Anakha? Love Embodiment. It’s all about how you treat yourself. Everything about your being is the Universe. When Yeshua walked the Earth, he taught his followers the practice of Ahimsa... nonviolence to self and others... The true nature of the sacred heart.

I was born with it. There is no need to look for it. I already have it. I am radiant love. I embody love. I am the Guru for me. Anakha is a Guru. Gene is a Guru. David is a Guru. Anakha, Gene and David live in layer number five… Love Embodiment. Every where they go... every face they see, is the face of God.

Light attracts light. I’m in love with Anakha. I’m in love with Gene. I’m in love with David. I’m in love with myself. Love Embodiment.

Love and Blessings.

P.S. Yeshua reminds me to honor and remember my past. Yeshua: "It is how you came to this state of being."

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Journey Night

Last Monday night, I attended a Shamanic Journey night at the Yurt in the Garden Home district. Spirit took me on a healing journey. As the drums begin to beat, I closed my eye and my mind is wisp away deep inside the Great Mother. Way down to the core of her belly.

She longs to take him in her arms and heal him from his distorted pain. The fire in the core of her belly as the passion burns hot for her beloved. She takes him gently in her arms and begins to tenderly caress his naked torso. He closes his eyes and softly moans. She whispers into his ear his true nature. She pulls him tightly against her bare chest and begins gently rock him like a newborn. He smells the scent of her hair which have fallen on his face.

It's a beautiful moment as they struggle to stay present in the moment. He can feel her energy moving down through her body into his own. He now stands tell, erect and completely healed from his distorted view of the world. This scene is repeated over and over again as the drums calls me back into physical body.

The second vision burst opened with the Heavens weeping for her. The entire heavens... every star, planet and moon cries out for her. The Sun longed for her. The stars weep for her. At one time, Mother Earth and Father Sky were joined in sacred union. Now separated since the big bang, they longed to hold each other in that eternal sacred embrace.

Every time a conscious being… you... me... God, goes to the sea and looks out upon the horizon, they would see Gaia joined with her beloved in sacred intimacy.

Sunday, March 2, 2008


** Sigh ** With that said, I need a car to get where I want to go.

With no ride to Celebration Church, Peter decides to a late bus to the Village Ballroom. A 90 minute bus ride.