Monday, October 15, 2007

The Barbaric Nightmare

I recently viewed a TV commercial about Billy Graham’s new book, “Finding Peace With God.” My mind immediately flashes back to junior high school, where I was introduce to “Jesus.” Or should I say inducted into the Christian culture. This is where I was “taught,” Jesus died on the cross for “our sins.” In this culture, I was also taught, It was “Our fault” that Jesus died on the cross.

Just after entering high school, I discovered the Mormon Church, with its little less guilt associated with the barbaric notion. In ignorance, I spent thirty years at this plateau at my own choosing. I am reminded by a higher thought of consciousness; this period of my life was perfection for my spiritual development. In this body, as well, the valuable aspect of compassion is gain.

Remembering the agony of self-absorb, feeble attempt to gain control over two failed marriages, the voice inside my head, mistaken to believe to be the Holy Ghost, ordering me to endure 10,000 days of sackcloth and ashes aka self punishment. For five years following the brake up of my second attempt at marriage, I was plunge into a self-made dark pit of hell. I was tortured by my own self-made daemons, which mutilated my hands and face on a nightly basses. Feelings of worthlessness flooded my dark hellish mind constantly. The only relief from these self-made daemon was in public places and social gatherings.

The day I walked through the doors of the Living Enrichment Center was the day I emerge from my self-made dark hellish pit. As I progress on my journey towards the light, I remembered riding the bus to a house that had been converted into a healing space located on East Burnside Street. I opened the door and went inside and climbed the staircase to an upstairs room where a meeting was in progress. I opened the door to a candle lit room where people were singing about healing and peace. One lady with long dark hair, motions me to come in and have a seat. She warmly greeted me with a smile. There were a few others who seem to be a bit disturb or shock that she would allowed an outsider into their circle. I believe I crashed a Mystical Activism meeting.

I remembered my hostess passing out little 3 x 5 cards and begin a writing exercise. She asked the people in the circle to write a statement about how they would viewed them in one year. I remembered that invisible force taking my hand and writing the words:

“I am a Mystic. I am a Sage. I am a Avatar. I am a Master. The Universe is accelerating my awakening and my spiritual growth.”

I went home that night with a glowing fire in my heart. Ever since that night, I have seek out “Fire in the Heart” experiences. I have been to many rituals and healing circle ceremonies. I find myself addicted to “Fire in the Heart” ceremonies. I can’t get enough of them. I want to experience the “Fire in the Heart” every day. The day is at hand. The Kingdom of Heaven is at our doorstep waiting for us to open the door…Waiting to burst open the doors to our hearts. The Sacred Fire is the way to the “Fire in the Heart.”

By the way, you know that lady who greeted me with warm smile and welcomed me into her Mystical Activism circle, that was the Beloved Anakha Shannon Coman.

Love and Blessings.

1 comment:

Anakha Coman said...

Peter, My Love...
Thank you for resurrecting from the Darkness, thank you for revealing your Light, thank you for teaching me to show up, to overcome, to thrive. Thank you for starting fires in the heart!

I wonder if Fire in the Heart is the name of your book?
