Wednesday, October 10, 2007

When You Think You're Right, You're Wrong!

Wow! I can't believe this. I'm getting all kinds support for my blog. My heart is overflowing with joy. Thank you, Anakha, for pushing me over the edge. shortly after publishing last night's blog, I got an e-mail from a man for whom I admire all my life. My Dad. He sent me this message:

Hi Peter,

Some none religious person said it long ago. "To thine own self be true"
which I always understood to mean do not blame others for your short comings, admit your mistakes, feel good about your successes, try not to worry about how you perceive others see you, have faith in yourself as you truly are.

I love you, Dad! I remembered for years, we would have intense and heated discussion about religion. I took the position that I had to be right. My religion was the only true religion. And every one else was wrong. After 30 years in that mind set, I see things very differently now. I had no idea, back than, my own father was more spiritual than I was. His spirituality surface a year ago during one of our evening walks around the golf course when I was recovering from my knee injury. The discussion was about religion melting away into nothing but spirituality. A peacefulness flow into my body and over my heart. I finally connected with my Dad.

A final parting thought for tonight. "To thine own self be true." This a fearless statement. There nothing to fear when you are true to yourself. You are true to God. "Have faith in yourself as you truly are." means to me; do the best with what you have.

Love and Blessings.

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