Friday, November 30, 2007

I'm A Sexual Being

Rant… rant… rant… How much ranting must I do before I get to my goal? I feel totally frustrated today the Universe is not responding to my hopes and dreams. I thought I was on the verge of a breakthrough the other day… May be if I reach deep inside of myself to the core of my ranting… What is truly bothering me…? What is it that eating me up inside. Every time I see them I cringe.

Who makes me cringe when they show up? What on earth am I talking about? They walked in wearing their dark preppy suits with their smooth white hair. I can spot them a mile away. May be it’s their persona they represent to be clean cut and looking perfect for the world. Who are these people? Fundamental Christians? Borne-again churchgoers? Bible thumpers? Mormons?

As a young man, I often entertain erotic, sensual thoughts of naked women. I discovered masturbation in junior high school. In the days before they were locked away behind the counter, I would sneak a peek at a Playboy magazine from the local drugstore. In recent days, I ordered HBO for the R rated and the X rated movies. Yes people, I watch dirty movies. I’m not ashamed or embarrassed to share this information. I have reach a stage in my maturity where it doesn’t matter anymore whither people know I am promiscuous or not. I don’t give a shit. There was a time not too long ago I would denied and cover it up. Face it people, I’m a sexual being.

Organized religion seems to have block evens condemn the freedom of self-expression. It’s a sin to be naked… to be sensual and sexual. It’s a sin to have erotic thoughts. It’s even a sin to have sexual intercourse with someone who you are not married to. In God’s eyes, you’re dirty… You’re nothing more than a piece of trash. You’re not worthy to be in the presences of God. You won’t even go to heaven when you die.

You know what…? Fuck you! Fuck you organized christian religions. The word sin is not a part of my vocabulary. Sin a word I associate with the phrase dog poop. Am I dog poop? Is the Divine dog poop? I think NOT!

I called my friend, Geoffrey Knight,
this week. The best hypnotherapist on the planet. On Tuesday morning, I went to see Geoffrey for a hypnosis session.

Walking down my path, I encounter this garbage can right in the middle of the path where I’m walking. Where did this garbage can come from? What is this garbage can doing here now, in my path? I walked up to the garbage can and removed the lid. I looked inside and I found…

It was me inside that garbage can, covered with shit… I reach in with both arms and pulled my little boy self out. I clean the garbage off him and I held him close to my breast. I told him I loved him. He melted into my heart. I set the garbage can a long side of the path and continue on. As I continue on my path, people would come to me asking me to touch them on some part of their body as if I was healing them.

I continue walking into this blazing radiant light. I was fill this all-encompassing love. The hypnosis session ended. A tape was made. I went home.

The Christian fundamentalists in their dark preppy suits must be my inner child I rescued from the garbage can. If I can hold them to my chest, I can finally healed that energy and get on with the rest of my life… May be I can meet the love of my life.

Love and Blessings.

P.S. I’m not a person who rants… Hopefully, this is the last of the rants.

1 comment:

Peter C Scrogin said...