Friday, November 16, 2007


Forgiving the Mormon Church

Manasseh: Why is you heart, anti-Mormon church?

Peter: I’m not anti-Mormon.

Manasseh: Your heart is anti-Mormon church, I know the feelings of your heart. Whenever a member of the church comes in to Home Depot to greet you. You recoiled.

Peter: I do?

Manasseh: You cannot be coy with me, your own self. This is radical honesty time. I want to know why your heart feels this way. What did the Mormon church do to you that made you feel this way?

Peter: They made me feel like I was a sinner… Worthless and small.

Manasseh: They made you feel… Or you gave them permission to make you feel like you were a sinner… Worthless and small.

Peter: I gave them permission to make feel that way… Did it to myself. They didn’t make me feel anything. They didn’t do anything to me. I did it all to myself.

Manasseh: Yes, Peter. You did to yourself. This is called personal responsibility. The church has some responsibility of its own, by teaching its members, if they don’t follow the commandments of God, they are made to feel small and unworthy.

Peter: This leads me to a redundant question. Why do the members of the Mormon Church need to follow God’s commandments? I’m not sure if I understand anymore.

Manasseh: The commandments, or rather, the rules of the church are set up to protect the “flock” from wondering off into other “pastures.” The biblical Jesus often refers to his followers as his flock, or his sheep. The church had to set up boundaries to prevent its membership from exploring new areas of the mind and the heart. The church knew if they lost control over its followers, it would loosed its power and profits.

Peter: Manasseh, why are you so wise? Where do you get your wisdom?

Two days later…

Manasseh: Peter, are going to finish this blog?

Peter: that’s my intent.

Manasseh: Okay Peter, how do you intend to heal the rift between you and Martie Geltz?

Peter: I have nothing against Martie. I forgave her.

Manasseh: Forgive her of what? What did she do? Come on Peter, spill your beans.

Peter: why? People read this blog. My Dad read this blog. My Dad knows nothing about my debt to Martie. I pay my debt to Martie a year ago.

Manasseh: The truth is you ban Martie from your life for threatening to take you to court over the $600.00 you owed her.

Peter: Stop it, Manasseh. You’re embarrassing me. I didn’t like the idea of going to court when I have the fund to paid my debt.

Manasseh: Wow Peter, I thought you were all about your truth… your raw truth. It was a lot of money, wasn’t it Peter. You’re still mad at Martie, aren’t you Peter. Does the truth hurts?

Peter: Martie is dealing with own issues. She doesn’t want me in her life right now. She doesn’t want Anakha, Aminga, Lisa or Gene in her life. Do you expect me to publish this blog tonight?

Manasseh: Yes Peter, I do. Martie has been hurt. Her own beloveds wounded her. Anakha is doing everything in her power to heal that wound. You need to keep your heart open and ready to respond when the circle is call together.

Peter: What circle? When? How long are you going to keep me up tonight? I’m tired. I have to work tomorrow.

Manasseh: You know Anakha is forming the MA circle for healing old wounds. As a part of your healing, and forgiving those around you and including yourself, I want you to put it out there to the Universe. Yes, publish this blog and know when you go to bed, you will be bless with dreams of the beloved.

Peter: You’re kidding?

Manasseh: I don’t joke around when its come to matter of the heart. Love and Blessings, Peter. Go to bed, dear one.

1 comment:

Alder said...

Thank you, for your truth Manassah. I tried to ask Peter just those questions last night and my comment would not publish. I love Peter and want his heart to heal around the church and around Marti. I want him to see that there was no wound....only a story of a wound. Where would Peter have been without his time in that church? Whithout MA? Without Marti? All had gifts for that time, and just because there has been a moving on in both areas does not mean that there was anything make Peter right now. I want Peter to be able to bless the church and thank them for all they did for him, which is much, and thank Marti for asking him to be a man of integrity and keep his word.