Monday, December 10, 2007

God, Sex And Money

There is a post I always wanted to write about. Three words in the English language cause the most reaction in people. Not one living being cannot live without at lease one of these words effecting them directly or indirectly.

This post may never be completed... there is way too much juiciness that spill over on to the fringe of each divine being who walks this planet. You cannot avoid getting soiled by one of these taboo nouns.

What makes God taboo...? What makes sex taboo...? What makes money taboo? In some cultures, it is forbidden to express the embodiment of these ideas and concepts. For fear of corruption... a tainted heart... face it, the heart is already tainted... how worst can it get? Religion plays a role... Politics plays a role and humanity is ripping itself apart over petty little ideas that has everything to do with life and living on this blue marble.

Control... Control... Control. Control the masses. This is by far a control issue. Religion controls... Sex controls... Money controls. It all bullshit... Control is bullshit! Control will cause dis-ease in the human body.

I am a provocative person. I like the idea of provoking the minds and heart of my listener. One of my favorite radio show is on Tuesday morning on KBOO FM. The Joe and Abe show. Joe and Abe provokes and gets the truth out to the masses. On any given Tuesday morning, they're talking about God, sex and money. I love this show because they know how to express without holding back.

You cannot escape it... You cannot escape God... You cannot escape sex... You cannot escape the cash. Why not accept it as it is? Why not surrender to that which is in your heart. Instead of trying to change what you are... why not embrace the very thing you are.

The idea I may declared myself as a atheist or agnostic because I do not align myself with any religion that tells me I must accept the biblical Jesus as my personal savior. There is no such God. I am the God of my being. I create my own reality. I accept and embrace who I am. I am radiant love. I am God...i am the Buddha. I am a sexual being. I love having sex... good sex... hot sex. I like the idea of having cash in my wallet... I can spend it on myself or on my beloveds... on whom ever I choose... on whatever I choose.

Love and Blessings.

1 comment:

Gene Latimer said...

The Minister of Now is definitely expressing his persistent power with this one!

A quite rewarding visit to your blog...