Saturday, April 26, 2008

Charles Jason Howard

There is a Twenty-six year old man reportedly running around Moscow Idaho with my DNA. I haven’t seen this young man since 1992 when he came to visit me in Aloha, Oregon. Aloha is a community just west of Beaverton. I live there with my second wife, Pamela.

Charles Jason was born on this date in 1982 at the University of Utah Hospital in Salt Lake City, UT. A fond memory of Charlie, the name I gave him while of toddler age, would go on excursions with me on errands around the city of his birth.

I lived with him for the first five yearsof his life until his mother and I were divorce in early 1988. I was granted visitation rights until my relocation from Coos Bay to Portland in August of that year.

I don’t know much about his life from that point except from phone call reports of trouble with the law extending from drug abuse issues. Charles and his two siblings came from a broken home, were raised by their grandfather and grandmother in Bandon and Rouge River Oregon.

In 1990, after hearing of my second marriage, Charles’ mother change his Sir name to Howard.

Epilogue: I could not acknowledge Charles as my son five years ago. The only picture I have of him is in a triple heart-shape frame along with his younger sisters sitting on my relationship altar in my bedroom.

Many Blessings.

1 comment:

Anakha Coman said...

Thank you for sharing this part of your life with us Peter...I knew of your daughter, but not of your son. Happy Birthday Charlie...we send you love and blessings. I wish I could meet him you have any desire to know him and reconnect now? I love you, Anakha