Tuesday, January 8, 2008

What's Next?

You noticed I haven’t blog for two weeks… Christmas and New Years has come and gone. We’re now in the second week of January. What is it that resides in me? How long is the Universe going to allow me remains in my comfort zone… the mundane state of working as a corporate slave at Home Depot? How long before I make my move… or will it push me over the edge?

I had epiphany on New Years Eve at the Village Ballroom. I ringed the epiphany bell the very moment I experience the knowledge of my New Years resolution for 2008… Burning-man! What is Burning-man? To me it is the furriest place from the Mormon Church. My primal spirit wants to dance naked for seven nights before roaring bonfire along with 50,000 people. Burning-man is my Hajj to Mecca. The very idea of dancing naked with 50,000 clothing optional people will no doubt lead to the excommunication of my membership with the LDS Church.

What's next in ’08? Another cruise? A new relationship… a new lover? I just have to remain open and patient to what will unfold for me. I know it will be good… It’s all good. I put my trust in the Universe for my good. I need to be careful with the thoughts I think. My thoughts will manifest whatever I desire. My intent is that powerful.

Lead, follow or get out of the way… a choice. How will I make it? I can lead the way by blogging once a week or more. I can follow my heart… my beloved Yeshua, my Spirit Guide. I can follow the naked heart of a woman who is ten and a half years my junior. The same woman who is constantly being strip naked and forge in the refiner’s fire… heartbreak at every turn. When will it ever end? When the Masters of the Cosmos are ready to place her at the head of the table of the feast of love… when a group of individuals are ready to begin their next stage of their consciousness evolution and enter a state of pure love… The Beloved Community Of The Naked Heart. I can get out of the way of the Universe by ducking down the rabbit hole before she turns the world upside down.

Love and Blessings.

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