Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Meeting Amma -- Part 1

Amma, Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi 
The events that led up to now, began just over six months ago, on November 17th, when I took a road trip to San Ramon, California, for the purpose of meeting Amma, a humanitarian, who gave hundreds of millions of dollars to feed, housed and educate India’s poor and most vulnerable people.  She is known as the hugging saint, who has hugged and console, literary millions of people from every walk of life, all over the world.  This saintly India woman, dressed in white, traditional India women’s clothes, known as a sari, with a white veil partially covering her head, had previous visiting me in a dream, placing her hands on my heart chakra. This was the start of my healing process, which cause me to cried out in the middle of the night.

Ok, wait!  How did I get to this point?  I’ll try to make this short and precise as possible.  In early 2012, I got to know a husband and wife healing team, from a small Oregon coastal town, Neskowin, Oregon.  Gary and Sharon Morris, previous acquitted from the Alice Street Spiritualist church in 2005.  Gary and Sharon met their Guru, Amma in late 2003, were married and their names change by Amma in 2005.  I know them as Chidambaran and Shuba.  I had the desire to move to the next level of my evaluation phase in 2013, but they’re no spiritual healers in the Portland area I resonated with.  One night, in a dream, I heard the names, Chidambaran and Shuba.  In the morning, I got on the computer and went to their website, Accelerated Awakenings, and there I found out they conduct a weekend workshop, called Night Of Transformation.  It took me four months to find my way from my home in Tualatin to their cabin in Neskowin.  I believe the delay in the timing was for my benefit, thus the Universe has a way of knowing when you are ready or not.  By July 2013, I finally found myself in their Puja room, with the emotion of anger in my body being release through my mouth.  “Shit!  This is intense.” Was my statement, as the first session came to a close.  Feelings of inadequacy and living with cerebral palsy dominated my second session.  Screaming at the top my lungs was not my idea of fun.  But, it seems to release the heaviness around my heart.  When I left their cabin  in Neskowin, the thought enter my mind, “You’re not done.”  Ok, I shrub my shoulders and went home.  I noticed their home was covered with portraits of their guru, an India woman, dressed in white garb wearing a golden nose ring, and a rather large red dot painted in the center of her forehead.  A smaller gold dot partially covered the red dot, wondering what the significance was.  Is this the same India woman who came to Seattle in the month of May, year after year?

In October 2013, I returned to the Neskowin cabin in hope for relief from many years of deep seeded rage.  Buried so deeply in my emotional body, Chidambaran and Shuba did everything they can to get me to feel in my heart.  But nothing was coming forth, no tears, no emotion, nothing.  Thinking there was nothing to cry about, I went to bed.  After a few hours of restless sleep, I finally fell into a dream state, where the India Woman from the portraits around their cabin, appeared from out of no where, standing some ten feet in front of me, she raised her arms towards me as she started to approach me.  Her soft hands made contact with the center of my chest.  A feeling of soothing of love momentary penetrated my torso.  A loud, uncontrollable wail escapes my mouth disturbing the cabin. Minutes later, Shuba comes running into the bedroom where I was sleeping.  Still wailing., Shuba grabs on to my shaking body and tried to console me in my sobbing.  After a few more minutes of sobbing, I was consolable enough to explain about the India woman in my dream.  Shuba laughed with tears of joy.  “It was Amma!  She opened your heart.”

I was absolutely intrigue by the power of this India woman to healed emotional trauma.  My heart felt lighter than it had in years, almost child-like,  without a worry in the world.  So many questions flooded my mind about this India woman I had to know.  I learned my new found friends were planning a road trip to the bay area in November to see their guru, the very same India woman who opened my heart.  I was told, she would be in Seattle in May and that trip would be easier on me.  I was  impatient and I wanted my answers ASAP.  The money to go on the California road trip was already in my bank account.  It was a matter of waiting for her beckon call.  A week before the retreat registration money was due, I felt her tug on my heart and knew it was her calling me to her Ashram in San Ramon, California.

This is only the beginning of the story... There's more to come... Plus original poetry.

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