Thursday, July 31, 2014

Beloved Of Rama Manasseh' Heart II

Never forgetting the source of her inner beauty
She walks the earth plane in sublime wonder.
Sometimes she sees herself as insignificant
When the waves of crudity come crashing at her feet.

Her heart is so tender and shy as a child’s
She hides her persona behind her Mother’s invisible sari.
The Mother of Grace would like to
Train her how to stand firm on her own.

Processing her tender feelings
The Divine gives her lessons with loving Seva
She cries and buries her beatific head
In her Divine Ma Mom’s sari as her head pounds

Amma gently lifts her chin to her sweet glazed
And softly speaks a few simple words to her heart
Know my child, you are one with me.

But you have to learn these life’s lessons…
To love yourself as I loved you sweet child.
You have to open that beautiful heart of yours
And share with my other children your precious gifts.

Dear child please stop hiding yourself
In my shadow
And show yourself
To the other children who want to play.

Grace shall be pour out
On your sweet head
As you demonstrate your willingness
To show up with all your gifts…

Yes, all of these gifts I have given to you sweet child
You are Amma’s precious darling daughter
Who plays sweetly with Amma’s other children
Who shares her presence without shyness.

She ventures out in the sunshine of love
on to the playground of courage
And shares her song with the other children
Amma smiles as Divine Grace
Watches over her spiritual offspring.

When God provides her spirit children
With physical bodies…
Are they not suppose to leave her side
As a child leaves its Mother and Father?
Matures and venturing out on to the playground of life
And share their gifts that she has gifted them

When they have come to walk on the  earth plane.

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