Holding a hand of a dying friend put everything in prospective. As I looked around the large hospital cafeteria at the people have lunch on that surreal Sunday afternoon, the thought came into my head. “Religion has nothing to do with dying, but only Love and Service.”
As I reviewed the life of my friend, I couldn’t help but notice her life was all about giving and serving those less fortunate than her, she didn’t have much either, of which I never heard her complain about her predicament. As long as I have known her, she never moped about anything in her life. Yes, she was over weight, but that didn’t seem to bother her or slow her down.
She right out there, in our community among her friends, smiling and joking. She had a contagious laugh, which made you light up when your spirits were down. She loved to sing, especially in a group sing-a-long. I can always find her singing or humming with a smile on her face.
What set her apart was the way she dealt with people. Openly and honestly, she was in your face with your truth. She didn’t take any bullshit from anyone. The advised she give was intuitive and genuine. She always knew what to say to brighten your day.
If you had the good fortune to have know a soul such as hers, you would have counted yourself as blessed. She made you feel loved by the way she looked and spoke at you. You knew you were God’s child the very moment she enter your presence. She knew who she was, and she made sure you knew it too.
Today, she returned home to her Beloved. Amira Sue-Lin Simons 1951 - 2011
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