Friday, October 1, 2010

The New Planet Earth - We are God Also

From Seth Garrison's Blog...

We are God, also. We are the creators of our own reality. I am God. You are God. God is in all of us. God is in all things. God is not some bearded entity in heaven that looks down upon us, pulling the strings of our life events, telling us which way to go and what to do and how to live.

The search for defining God has been a major focus since the beginning of recorded history. The consistent theme throughout has been that God was an entity outside of our selves that had control over every facet of nature and of human behavior.

Aboriginal cultures among others would assign a multiple of gods, each one in control of an aspect such as the wind, the sun, the water and so on. Yet all seemed to have had the concept of one supreme being or great spirit that would oversee all of creation.

One of the earliest uses of the one God concept was approximately 1500 B.C. when the Pharaoh Akhenaten united the Upper and Lower Nile Egyptians who worshipped a myriad of gods. Akhenaten outlawed the practice of polytheism, replacing it with the concept of monotheism. He used the image of the sun as God because he told them that the breath of life, the prana field, came from the sun. He was much hated by the priesthood of Egypt as they lost their power over the people by introducing this concept. Akhanaten told his people that "You don't need priests. God is within you." A concept way before its time and one that lasted a mere 17 years before the priests and the military poisoned him and reverted back to the worshipping of many gods.

The idea of one god was then revived by Abraham who is considered the father of monotheism. The experiences of Abraham are well documented in both the Torah and the Christian bibles but also the Holy Quaran makes mention of the God of Abraham being the same as the God of Muhammad. Hinduism when examined also has Abraham's son Isaac as a source for their belief in the unity of the "one."

To this day religions are based on the idea of "one god" that is outside of us and that controls all things.

The thought of us being God also is viewed as blasphemy in most religious doctrine today as that concept, if believed by its followers, would negate the power and control that is exercised by the various churches over us now. Sound similar to the priests of Egypt's attitude?

2000-2500 years ago Masters came onto earth for one purpose. To help us understand that God is indeed within us. Jesus, Lord Buddha and Muhammad, who basically covered all the peoples of the earth, gave us many similar messages of self-empowerment that told us that we were God. Organized religions have chosen to downplay these messages or to interpret them in ways that would cloud the meaning of them for the same reasons as previously mentioned.

Many "masters" since have given us the same messages through their music, art or writings, Notably St Francis of Assisi who said, "There are beautiful and wild forces within us." The Sufi poet Rumi,"If you put your soul against this oar with me, the power that made the universe will enter your sinew from a source not outside your limbs, but from a holy realm that lives within us." William Blake writes, "God became as were are, that we may be as he is. God is man and exists in us and we in him." There are hundreds of examples of this concept in ancient texts as well as all the holy texts of the world's religions.

In previous articles from this series I discussed Gregg Braden's God Code and the translating of the message from our DNA that God lies within. Replacing the four elements that make up all things, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen, which are all unseen and the one element, carbon, which has substance and can be seen, with the Hebrew or Arabic equivalents of the name of God adds further proof that God is within us. There is only one element different in our DNA than from the translated name of God in our DNA. That element is carbon, the element of substance. This gives new meaning to the words of Jesus in Corinthians; "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that God dwelleth within you?" or in a later chapter of the same book, "Your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you." The element of carbon gives God the ability to be seen by each of us and to become the vessel in which to reside.

The point of all these quotations is to show that the concept that we are God is not a new one. The interpretation of the quotes brings out new meaning when looked at from the premise of this article.

We are approaching the next step in human evolution. We are remembering who we truly are. The idea that we are helpless puppets and need to follow the orders of the ones who know more or know what is good for us is coming to an end. The practice of following our inner guidance is replacing it. The knowledge that we are God is just one attribute that we will and are adopting right now to facilitate that step.

The proof is all around is, from the decrease in the attendance of churches that have traditionally preached to us how to live our lives to the gaining popularity of "new age" philosophies whose messages are one of self-empowerment. The shift is happening now.

The world census of 2000 revealed that 95% of us believe in a higher power of some description. We come into this world searching for the definition of God. Of who we are and why we are here. That search has taken all kinds of twists and turns in human history but I believe we are evolving into the knowing that we are God. That we have the ability to create whatever we choose for our selves. That heaven is not some place where God resides and where we go when we die, but that heaven is right here within us. Right here on our New Planet Earth.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Gift From The Goddess

How do I begin this story? Manasseh, you take over and write. I don’t want to get in the way of what is a beautiful story.

First of all, let’s tell the story as it happen, than we’ll discuss all the thoughts and feelings surrounding the story. Remember, this is about you, not about her. This is medicine for your recovery.

Shell we begin? Peter, will you now present the story as it unfolded. I remind you to stay within your heart center chakra.

A Facebook message pops on to computer screen, “Peter, Would you be interested in some Goddess Loving attention?” I hesitated for moment not knowing what to think. I quickly type, “We’ll play it by ear when you get here.”

With my pounding, I decided I needed some fresh air. I pick up a load of garbage from my kitchen floor and headed out the door to the garbage bin located half way between my apartment building and the main road, where I catch the bus in the mornings to go to work. The round trip to the garbage bin and back is about five to seven minutes depending on how fast I walked.

Back in my apartment, my heart still pounding, my Monkey-mind racing and my stomach now growling, I made one slice of toast with peanut butter and threw it down my throat hoping it will settle my stomach. After cleaning up the kitchen, I headed in to the bedroom to make the bed. Seeing the crystals on the alter, I started meditating, which quieted the head as well as the heart. A few minutes later, there was a knock at my door.

I opened the door to find a familiar face smiling back at me. We hugged each other as I invited her inside. I don’t believe she has ever been inside my apartment. We caught up on each other lives as she sat in my old blue easy chair. After a few minutes of talking with me, she stands up and walked over to each altar in the living room to admire the crystal spheres.

I showed her the bedroom where more crystals were. After looking around at all the crystals on the altars, she laid down on the bed. Without any hesitating, my body naturally walks over to the opposite side of the bed and lays down beside her.

“Now that we’re here, what would you like to do?” She asked of me. I was totally flabbergasted by being under the spell of the Goddess. I didn’t know what to say. She put me at ease by stoking my hair and gently touching different parts of my body. She leans closer to me to kiss me.

“This is a gift from the Goddess.” She stated to me. She starts to undress me by unbuttoning my shirt. Than she went for my pants by undoing my belt. Before I knew it, I was lying naked beside her.

“Do you want me to take my clothes off or leave them on?” She asked. “Off!” came a nervous reply from my lips. She stood up and clothes went flying around the room. There we were, both of us naked on my bed. Is this a dream?

I was a witness to every curve of her beautiful Goddess shape body, the body type I’d most desire. I wanted so much to put my penis into her virgia and have erotic intercourse. Being so nervous, my body did not respond the way I wanted it to. No erection of the penis means no pleasure for the Goddess.

She just held me in an intimate embrace by snuggling. The feel of her skin against me was electrifying. Her touch was amazing blissful. As quickly as it started, it was over. She was dress and out the door to meet with family members before had a chance to say a proper good-bye. By the gift she gave me, she made me feel desirable.

One week later after my second encounter with the Goddess, I learned she has move on to another relationship. Yeah, it hurts.

Peter, do you want to discuss your thoughts and feelings around this story?

All of my thoughts and feelings are well documented on Facebook. A word about Facebook, a social networking tool that is a half billion strong, Facebook is very powerful and very dangerous tool if it gets into the hands of people with corrupt hearts, it can have devastating effect on people lives.

My first Facebook post following the encounter with Goddess:
My mind is freaking out... Yes, it is the monkey-mind at work. The only relief I have is to breathe and to meditate by staying in the moment.

I learn something about myself from this experience, I don’t think I can be poly or have an open relationship. I notice I feel jealousy and emotional pain when a partner wants to explore another relationship. This is evident by my Facebook status:
I hate this fuckin feeling inside of me!
Comment: Love it. Be with it. Explore it. Good luck!
My Comment: I must be alive, because I can feel it.
Comment: Yup. ☺
My Comment: You know what? It hurts.
Comment: Good noticing!
My Comment: I can feel! I can express!
Comment: Yay! You could also just feel. We get to decide what to do with our feelings! ☺
Good Facebook friends will call you on your shit.

This painful tirade almost sounds like Mel Gibson’s outburst. In the midst of my emotional pain, I unleash this comment:
When it comes to paying it forwards with affairs of the heart, you better fuckin mean it. This is my flaw. Now, I get to stay in this moment with a bruise heart.

In response to my insomnia and the bruise heart, I was invited by Spirit to blog as my medicine. If by chance, the Goddess shows up and invites me to dance with her again, I just may take her up on it, just to feel the excitement of that rollercoaster ride.

Yes, I manifested a lover for one special moment, to breathe and be in that sacred moment will be treasured and remembered forever. The pain will soon dissipate and I will be served with a memory. I am God.

Post Script: The first encounter with the Goddess, happen on a Sauvé’s Island beach, one year ago.

Friday, April 30, 2010

The Ecstasy Of Making Love To Sherri

It has been some time since I blog on my own blog. I posted on other sacred communities blogs, i.e. “We Are The Lovers”, (No longer accessible) “The Oneness Experiment”, (No longer accessible) and “Radical Man”, (A private and closed blog).

Tonight, I revisited the “You Are God” blog and it trigger an important, yet sacred dream I had earlier this month involving Sherri, my first wife, now decease. This special dream occurred the week of what would have been our 29th anniversary. I was privileged to share this dream with a friend and confidante earlier this week. The words she said and the things she told me intrigued me.

Many years have gone by since our divorce in 1988, and since that time, I’ve been a man with hidden rage. Yes, I am a man of cover up anger. The truth comes out and I am vulnerable.

In the early morning hours when most dreams occurred, I was making mad, passionate love to Sherri, a pleasantly plum, Goddess-shape body. The two parties were one flesh in throve in the act of love making, kissing each centimeter of the softest skin to touch.

I woke up to the alarm of the clock radio, in tears, I heard the words going from my heart to my head, “I forgive you, Sherri. I love you.” Oh My God! Did I just have a break through? Than came the memories of the sweetest, one hour bus ride home the very night I lost my virginity to my soon-to-be first wife. All I can think about was our two bodies being together.

One day, I was in ecstasy. The next day, I was sitting in shame in front of a Mormon Bishop. I asked my friend in confidante, why is it the male ego is eager to shame us when no harm was done, only a beautiful expressive act of love was preformed? Her answer was, they are cut off from Divine Feminine, which is the body.

If you want to have a love affaire with the Divine, you will not allow anyone to shame you. To love the Beloved Divine is to love the Self. You are the Beloved. You Are God.